Information about Xalo(Jalon)
The village of Xaló, in Spanish also often referred to as Jalón, is a fairly quiet village located in the interior of the Costa Blanca. Xaló is mainly known for the wine growing that takes place around the village and the weekly flea market that is held every Saturday. During the weeks there is quite little to do in Xaló. You can stroll through the old centre, where Calle Mayor and Plaza de Jalón are the most important spots of the village. In the summer months the river Rio Jalón is beautiful. The low water level in combination with the many shrubs and flowers in the riverbed make for a picturesque picture. A good reason to visit Xaló during the weeks can also be a visit to the Bodegas. Here you can taste and buy the tasteful local wines. The prices you pay here are a joke when you compare the prices you find in the supermarkets. For good wine you only pay a few euros per litre.s here.
However, the main attraction of Xaló is the weekly flea market. Every Saturday the west side of the village turns into one big flea market. In total there are about 200 to 250 stalls and stalls on this market. It is a big crowd puller, which would cause a temporary parking problem in Xaló if no extra parking lots would be open. During the flea market there are fortunately a few parking lots where you can park your car for a fee. The flea market starts around 8 am and ends around 2 pm. In the northernmost part of the market you can see the same tourist stuff you see on many other tourist markets on the Costa Blanca: Spanish dresses, hats, fake bags, sunglasses and other little original pieces. Also in the southern tip of the market you see such stalls. The vast majority of the flea market means sniffing through old stuff ranging from antiques to vintage. In general, the supply rises above the level of an average flea market. If you have a good night's rest, you can come home with some really nice stuff.